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ISO, IEC and BSI  Standards


The main standards body in the UK is BSI, British Standards Institute.  It is under their auspices the C, C++ and High integrity groups work. BSI Also works with the IEC for 61508

IEC 61508-3

IEC 61508-3


The IEC 61508 Functional Safety  Standard is the main standard for safety critical work world wide. It defines the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) used for safety critical projects. Phaedrus Systems sits on this committee. > Link to

BSI Vunerabvilities

ISO OWG- vulnerabilities


The "Vulnerabilities Team is a group set up to look at generic vulnerabilities in a range of languages and . > Link to


BSI-OSI C Language

C is the language for embedded programming.  It is the most widely supported language on the planet. The BSI committee though the ISO system contributes to the C programming Standard. Phaedrus Systems sits on this committee. > Link to


BSI-OSI C++  Language


C++ is rapidly catching up on C as the language of choice for larger embedded systems. The BSI committee though the ISO system contributes to the C++ programming Standard. Phaedrus Systems sits on this committee.  > Link to