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Quality Embedded Systems Techniques  is a series of documents  on all aspects of embedded development. The series started in the 1990's  and some of the papers are on their third or fourth revision, so they are always up to date as the industry changes.  However they are firmly based on Engineering Principles not the latest fashion

SW Eng

Software Engineering


Long before coding a project you need a specification  and process to put it through. This paper looks at the process and how you can minimise the problems and be more efficient.   > Link to

Embedded C

Embedded C Traps and Pitfalls


How to write robust reliable and maintainable code. First published in  May 2000 this paper is as relevant today as it was then.   It has been used as the basis of many company coding standards.    > Link to


Simulators, Debuggers and Emulators


This essential paper looks at debugging tools from monitors to ICE via simulators and debuggers.  In this constantly evolving area it is essential reading to understand the difference between a debugger, simulator and an emulator and, more importantly, the different strategies required for each solution. > Link to


Practical Embedded Testing for Fun


Testing, not the same as debugging. Tools and strategies for testing vary greatly.  With the modern tools, and some of the older ones too, testing can be virtually fully automated.  > Link to


RTOS Basics


Most embedded systems did not have an RTOS. However with the speed of change in industry and a rise in complexity coupled with an increase in 32 bit MCU, the RTOS is becoming more common. So do you go monolithic or for a Kernel?  is Linux an RTOS? Can an RTOS be used in safety critical applications? > Link to


Tile Hill Style Guide for  Embedded C


Having been repeatedly asked for a C Style Guide we present the Tile Hill Embedded C Style Guide.   > Link to