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Technical Papers


Apart from our major series of papers, Quest and Engineers Guides we have an assortment of   technical papers that may be of interest.   Also see the links on the right to the ESE columns, book reviews and other information.


The Main Technical Library containig conference presentations, app notes and other technical papers is located> Here


Working in a Multinational Company

A TRW Presentation to the BCS (Birmingham) Feb. 2009


The experiences of Steve Goddard, Global Infrastructure Director, TRW, many years working around the world for large multinationals and TRW in particular. this presentation highlights the problems and solutions to working with people from many cultures, languages and time zones. > Link to


Certification of Safety- Relevant Systems and Development Tools


Interview with Günter Glöe, TÜV Nord AG (Technical Inspection Authority) on TuV's role in testing Systems to IEC61508 . > Link to

Kings Toaster

The King's Toaster


More a cautionary tale of project creep than a technical paper.  We have all been there and seen it I am sure.  There are many versions of this story around and we have no idea of the origins of this version. > Link to

Kings Toaster

The killer BMW Security


A cautionary tale of BMW car security that went too far from the pages of the Daily Aardvark. How a fail safe nearly killed an entire government ministers family > Link to

Kings Toaster

The MS FAT System and LFN Document


The Microsoft Extensible Firmware Initiative FAT32 File System Specification FAT: General Overview of On-Disk Format This includes information on Long File Names and licensing The page explaining this and MS FAT file systems in General is here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/gg463080.aspx In addition there is an page on IP licensing http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/intellectualproperty/IPLicensing/default.aspx which is probably more important than the FAT and LFN specs. If you don't understand why ask a Lawyer before you start any work.


> MS FAT Specification Document (inc LFN)