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Phaedrus Systems Library


When not working on Standards Phaedrus Systems has been producing app notes, magazine articles, presentations, guidance on software engineering etc. For the better part of a decade CTO Chris Hills had a regular column in Embedded Systems Engineering. These documents have been scattered far and wide. Now they are all accessible from this one page.


by Felix Redmill CEng.FIET, FBCS


For 25 years Felix has been a consultant in project management and in risk management for safetycritical systems. Before that, he spent more than 20 years in industry, as engineer and manager. He started as a programmer and progressed to systems analyst, development manager, project manager, and system strategist. Evolutionary vs. Big-bang Delivery is based on his pioneering experience as a Development Manager. Download here

Conference Presentations


Phaedrus Systems has spoken at many conferences in Europe over the years, though mainly in the UK. Initially with OHP’s!  The more recent ones, by power point are gathered here and in time we may well progress to videoing them. > Link to




The QuEST series of books started in the late 1990’s, give an in depth look at various aspects of Embedded Systems engineering including C Tricks and Tips, Embedded ICE and Debuggers, Embedded Testing for Fun, covering unit testing to the later editions on Requirement Management.  They have been done as presentations at conferences and updated several times. The versions here have been completely revised and additional titles added. > Link to

App notes including static analysis to IDE intergrations


Phaedrus Systems has been producing it’s own app notes fop many years.  Due to having done a lot of technical support we have an understanding of how Engineers work and we use plain English. This will be an expanding series of documents. > Link to

Compiler Validation


Phaedrus systems has a range of documents on Compiler validaton for Embedded systems and On-Target compiler Validation >more info



We have an expanding range of video presentations, tutorials and demonstrations on various aspects of embedded Software Engineering. . > Link to

Published papers and articles (magazines)


Phaedrus Systems has written for many magazines including column of “Standards Man” for Embedded Systems Engineering for a decade.   These articles have been scattered far and wide are all collected here.. > Link to

Phaedsys BlogPhaedrus Systems Blog


When not working Phaedrus Systems and a few selected indivuduals have been musing on various topics: some arising from Phaedsys conference papers, some from things inthe news and others items that are to big to go inthe Phaedsys Newsletters. The guilty are using pseudonames as they are writing for themselves not their employers but are going to be well known to many of you (and their employers)..> Link to

Miscellaneous presentations and papers


We have a few miscellaneous presentations and articles including the Kings Toaster (read it over breakfast!)  and some from other sources on things like how to work with multinational organisations that do not fit under other headings.> Link to


Screen CAM Demos


We will be grouping here all the screen-cam demos  and tutorials from the site so you can find them easily.> Link to