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MISRA-C++:2008 Launch

5th June 2008 at the Safety Critical Systems Tools Event, London

Chris Tapp and David Ward with MISRA C++:2008


Chris Tapp, left, , MISRA-C++ Chairman and David Ward, right, MISRA Project Manager , at Launch of MISRA-C++  at SCSC Tools Conference.


Click pictures for larger versions. 


MISRA-C++, a subset of ISO C++ for safety-critical and related applications, together with guidelines on its use, has been released by MISRA. The subset is designed to remove issues in C++ that can produce programs that are insecure or unpredictable.

C++, as defined by in ISO/IEC 14882:2003, is becoming widely used in a range of safety critical applications such as jet engine controllers, nuclear installations and medial equipment. However the richness of the language means that it is possible to write programs that are insecure or unpredictable, while still complying with the language specification. MISRA, which has already successfully defined MISRA-C, has produced MISRA-C++ as a set of rules together with a rationale for each rule, examples of its use and possible exceptions. An example of such a rule is in appendix one.

With such a subset, it is possible to use automatic checkers to confirm that he code conforms to the rules, and commercial products are currently being announced. 

The committee that prepared MISRA-C++ consisted of

Richard Corden

Programming Research Ltd

Mike Hennell


Derek Jones

Knowledge Software Ltd

Keith Longmore

Lotus Cars Ltd

Clive Pygot

Qinetiq Ltd

Chris Tapp  (Chairman)

Keylevel Consultants


The MISRA-C++:2008 guidelines are the result of three years work  by a dedicated team building on lessons learned with MISRA-C. Chris  Tapp the Chairman of the MISRA-C++ team said "We hope that MISRA-C++ will go on to become as successful and widley adopted ans MISRA-C" 


Chris Tapp Presenting MISRA-C++

Chris Tapp, MISRA-C++ Chairman presenting MISRA C++ to the SCSC audience.



Link to PDF of Presentation