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Title: Tools for Success, a Managers Guide


Review Date April 2003
Author: Suzanne Turner
Pub: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0-07-709870-6
COST: -19.99 UKpounds
Cover: soft
Pages 195
Keywords: management, methods, business, planning, team building
Recommendation: HIGHLY recommended
Source: - Author

This is a strange book. Basically it is an annotated list of methods (or tools) and a tool in itself. What it does is list 95 tools or methods used in management with the essential notes. Note these are methods on the sense they are a way of doing things. There is not one of them that actually requires you to buy any software packages or other tools bar flp charts, marker pens, paper etc. Though for some something like MS-Project or Visio might be useful but not essential. No software is recommended or mentioned in this book. It is not a veiled attempt to get you to buy software, tools resources packages or anything else for that matter.


The format is startlingly simple the book starts with the usual introduction on the format how to use the book etc. It then gives a matrix of project type against stage. Eg business strategy, IT project, sales/marketing, design etc against define objectives, monitor and review, implementation etc It then lists the rules that fall into each category. This will help guide you to the right group of tools or methods for the job.


There is also a matrix listing all the methods against various categories (Analysis, creativity, problem solving, planning etc) to show where they can be used.


The methods themselves take two pages each.. I wondered about this but I think it is a good idea. Had it been a flexible size then there would have been the temptation to go into details and get away from the bare essential ideal.


The format is the same for all the methods making comparison easy. There are sections: When to use, what you get (result), time (how long it takes), number of people (some are group/team activities), equipment required (usually pens paper flipchart and a room). There sections are a sentence or two at most.


You then get the method itself. Usually with a diagram, chart table etc as required. This is more than two sentences but not more than half a page. It is the essential points. It is followed by a short example of a couple of sentences and then a suggested exercise. Normally something very simple that will quickly show how to apply the method. This is followed by short list of key points and then additional comments…. a little more than a sentence but not a lot..


Following this is where to get additional information if you really do feel the need. Some companies want more detail and references before they implement new procedures. The final item is usually a chart table or what ever that is large enough to photocopy out of the book to start using as a blank for your own experiments or as an aid memoir on the wall as appropriate.


The useful thing about this book is its brevity. You won’t get bogged down in reading vast amounts of information. You get the essence of the method without getting bogged down in volumes of opinion and trivial detail. Most ideas are simple but you have to put in a lot of padding to get a book out of it. This book is 94 methods stripped to essential and laid bare. No padding


This book will be indispensable to managers at all levels. When you have a problem, a project to do etc. ten minutes with this book will give you enough information to find a labour saving system that will help organise your thoughts. Highly recommended